B vitamins are a group of nutrients that play many important roles in your body. They are found in a variety of foods, so most people get the recommended amounts of these vitamins through diet alone.
However, certain factors may mean your body needs more B vitamins. These include age, pregnancy, dietary choices, medical conditions, genetics, medications, and alcohol use.
In these circumstances, supplementing with B vitamins may be necessary. Nutritional supplements that contain all eight B vitamins are referred to as B-complex vitamins or vitamin B complex.
Here are the health benefits of B-complex vitamins, as well as dosage recommendations and potential side effects.
B-complex vitamins Means
B vitamins are a group of nutrients that play many important roles in your body. They are found in a variety of foods, so most people get the recommended amounts of these vitamins through diet alone.
However, certain factors may mean your body needs more B vitamins. These include age, pregnancy, dietary choices, medical conditions, genetics, medications, and alcohol use.
In these circumstances, supplementing with B vitamins may be necessary. Nutritional supplements that contain all eight B vitamins are referred to as B-complex vitamins or vitamin B complex.
Here are the health benefits of B-complex vitamins, as well as dosage recommendations and potential side effects.
B vitamins are water-soluble, which means your body does not store them. For this reason, your diet must supply them each day. They have many important functions and are vital for maintaining good health.
Vitamin B complex supplements usually contain the following:
- B1 (thiamine). Thiamine plays an essential role in metabolism by helping convert nutrients into energy. The richest food sources include pork, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ
- B2 (riboflavin). Riboflavin helps convert food into energy and also acts as an antioxidant. Foods highest in riboflavin include organ meats, beef, and mushrooms.
- B3 (niacin). Niacin plays a role in cellular signaling, metabolism, and DNA production and repair. Food sources include chicken, tuna, and lentils.
- B5 (pantothenic acid). Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps your body obtain energy from food and is also involved in hormone and cholesterol production. Liver, fish, yogurt, and avocado are all good sources.
- B6 (pyridoxine). Pyridoxine is involved in amino acid metabolism, red blood cell production, and the creation of neurotransmitters. Foods highest in this vitamin include chickpeas, salmon, and potatoes.
- B7 (biotin). Biotin is essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and regulates gene expression. Yeast, eggs, salmon, cheese, and liver are among the best food sources of biotin.
- B9 (folate). Folate is needed for cell growth, amino acid metabolism, the formation of red and white blood cells, and proper cell division. It can be found in foods like leafy greens, liver, and beans or in supplements in the form of folic acid.
- B12 (cobalamin). Perhaps the most well-known of all the B vitamins, B12 is vital for neurological function, DNA production, and red blood cell development. B12 is found naturally in animal sources like meats, eggs, seafood, and dairy.
Although these vitamins share some characteristics, they all have unique functions and are needed in different amounts.
PURPOSE: This Master Formula is written to describe the formulae, manufacturing procedure, specifications, packing details of dosage form.
SCOPE: This MFR is performed and is applied during the manufacturing of dosage form.
RESPONSIBILITY / ACCOUNTABILITY: It is the responsibility of Manufacturing Chemist to follow and adhere to this SOP. The Production Pharmacist, QC/QA Manager are accountable for the strict adherence to the master formula.
1. Master Copy: Manager Quality Assurance
2. Copy No. 1: Production Pharmacist
3. Copy No. 2: Manager Quality Control
4. Copy No. 3: Non-β Lactam Capsule Section
GENERIC NAME: N.A. | PACK SIZE: 60 ´ 10 ´ 10 |
Each Capsule contains:
Vitamin B1 I.P. 10 mg Folic Acid I.P. 1000 mcg
Vitamin B2 I.P. 10 mg Calcium Pantothenate I.P. 20 mg
Vitamin B6 I.P. 03 mg L-Lysine HCl. U.S.P. 150 mg
Niacinamide I.P. 50 mg Vitamin B12 I.P. 05 mcg
1 | Tray Drier Machine | ||
2 | Sifter | ||
3 | Roto Cube Blender | ||
4 | Automatic Capsule Loading Machine | ||
5 | Semiautomatic Capsule Filling Machine | ||
6 | Feeder, Sorter & Capsule Polishing Machine With A.D.U. | ||
7 | A.D.U. | ||
8 | Strip Packing Machine |
S.NO. | INGREDIENTS | STD | Theoretical Quantity Req. | Overages % | Total Quantity Used |
1. | AEROSIL | B.P. | 2.000 | 2.000 KGS | |
2. | DI CALCIUM PHOSPHATE | I.P. | 27.500 | 27.500 KGS | |
3. | CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE | I.P. | 10.000 | 10.00 | 11.000 KGS |
4. | EC SCARLET/ SCARLET (SIZE: 0) | – | 50000.000 | 50000.000 NOS | |
5 | FOLIC ACID | I.P. | 0.500 | 50.00 | 0.750 KGS |
6 | L – LYSINE HCl | U.S.P | 75.000 | 10.00 | 82.500 KGS |
7 | MAGNESIUM STEARATE | I.P. | 5.000 | 5.000 KGS | |
8 | NIACINAMIDE | I.P. | 25.000 | 10.00 | 27.500 KGS |
9 | SPIRIT CHLOROFORM | I.P. | 450 | 450 ML | |
10 | STARCH | I.P. | 82.562 | 82.562 KGS | |
11 | TALCUM | I.P. | 5.000 | 5.000 KGS | |
12 | VITAMIN – B2 (PLAIN) | I.P. | 5.000 | 20.00 | 6.000 KGS |
13 | VITAMIN – B1 MONO NITRATE | I.P. | 5.000 | 25.00 | 6.250 KGS |
14 | VITAMIN – B6 HCl | I.P. | 1.500 | 25.00 | 1.875 KGS |
15 | VITAMIN – B12 | I.P. | 2.500 | 100.00 | 5.000 GMS |
Packing materials:
1. | ADHESIVE TAPE ROLL BROWN | 2.000 | 2.000 NOS | |
2. | UNIT CARTON (10 X 10) B-COLEX CAPS | 5000.000 | 2.000 | 5002.000 NOS |
3. | FRONT STRIP B-COLEX CAPS | 115.000 | 115.000 NOS | |
4 | BACK STRIP B-COLEX CAPS | 115.000 | 115.000 NOS | |
5 | CELLO TAPE | 5.000 | 5.000 NOS | |
6 | CORRUAGED BOXES: B – 15 A | 83.000 | 83.000 NOS |
1. Use number zero size Scarlet-Scarlet Capsules.
2. Moisture content of powder should be less than 2.0 %.
3. Average fill of each capsule is 500 milligrams.
4. Weight Variation Limit for average weight of 20 Capsules is + 7.5 %
5. Disintegration time for each Capsule is not more than 15 minutes.
6. Average weight of twenty filled capsules is 11.9 grams.
7. Mix the batch, Fill and Polish the Capsules and also perform the primary packing of Capsules at temperature not more than 270 C and Relative Humidity not more than 45%.
8. Starch contains moisture, therefore during drying of starch in tray drier at 70o C loss on drying should be taken care of.
Theoretical Yield is 5.0 Lacs capsules.
Expected Practical Yield is 5.0 Lacs + 2% capsules.
Packing Details:
1.Strip Pack the filled and polished capsules by using Strip Packing Machine as per its SOP.
2.Put 10 strips each containing 10 capsules in unit carton.
3.Seal the unit carton from both ends with cello tape.
4.Pack the 60 unit cartons in specified corrugated box B-15A to give a pack size of 60 x 10 x 10 capsules.
5.Seal the each corrugated box with adhesive tape and label it properly by affixing the specified label.
1.Fit the mesh # 40 Stainless Steel Sieve on the Sifter as per its SOP and place Stainless Steel Container below the discharge hopper.
2. Sift the 25 kgs of Di-Calcium Phosphate through #40 meshes Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and let it to collect in the container kept below the discharge hopper.
3.Sift the 2 kgs of Aerosil through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
4.Sift the 11 kgs of Calcium Pantothenate through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
5.Sift the 0.750 kgs of Folic Acid through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
6.Sift the 5.0 kgs of Magnesium Stearate through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
7. Dry 27.5 kgs of Niacinamide in tray drier at 60°C for 45 minutes and sift it through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
8.Sift the 5 kgs of Talcum through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
9.Sift the 6 kgs of Vitamin B2 plane through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
10.Sift the 6.25 kgs of Vitamin B1 Mononitrate through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
11.Sift the 1.875 kgs of Vitamin B6 HCl through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the same container.
12.Sift the 82.5 kgs L-Lysine HCl through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collect in the separate container.
13.Triturate and dissolve 5.0 Gms of Vitamin B12 in 450 ml of Spirit Chloroform in a stainless steel container.
14. Sift the 2.5 kgs of Di-Calcium Phosphate through #40 mesh Stainless Steel Sieve on the sifter and collected in another stainless steel container and perform the following:
·To this add the solution of Vitamin B12 prepared in the step no. 13. Mix it thoroughly with stainless steel spatula until uniform.
·Dry it in the tray drier at 60° C for 30 minutes.
·Sieve it through #40 mesh and add to the Roto Cube Blender.
15.Transfer all the sifted ingredients to Roto Cube Blender. Mix 74.620 kgs of Starch to these ingredients and allow blending together for 1 hour by operating Roto Cube Blender as per its SOP Weigh the whole batch. The weight of blended powder should be in range of 247.50 kg – 250.00 kg.
16.Send the sample to Quality Control Department for bulk testing.
17.Start filling of Empty Hard Gelatin capsules, 500 miligrams of blended powder in each capsule shell by using Automatic Capsule Loading Machine and Semiautomatic Capsule Filling Machine as per their SOPs.
18.Polish the filled capsules by using Feeder, Sorter & Capsule Polishing Machine With A.D.U. as per its SOPs.
19. Strip pack the filled capsules by using Strip Packing Machine as per its SOP.
The following in-process controls should be maintained during the processing:
1.Check Raw materials used for manufacturing purpose are all approved materials and have ‘Released’ labels fixed on it.
2. All weighed Raw materials should be counter-checked by Assistant Manufacturing Chemist. If any discrepancy is noticed, it should be immediately brought to the notice of Production and QC/QA Manager.
3.Physical characteristics of Raw material like colour, odour, and consistency are checked before compounding.
4.Humidity and temperature should be maintained during the manufacturing, filling, polishing and packaging of the capsules.
Relative Humidity – Less than 45 %
Temperature – 25 0C ± 2 0C
5.The total weight of blended powder should be checked in the presence of Assistant Manufacturing Chemist and record the same in Batch Manufacturing Record.
6.Bulk sample should be sent for analysis to Quality Control Department before starting the filling of hard gelatin capsules.
7. Intermittently the Assistant Manufacturing Chemist should check weight variation of filled capsules at interval of 30 minutes and record for the same should be kept in Batch Manufacturing Record.
8.Detect out of limit capsules by Weight Variation Method as follows:
a) Take the average weight of 20 Capsules on the calibrated balance and calculate the upper and lower limit as per the table given below in accordance with IP/BP:
Less than 300 mg | 10 |
300 mg or More | 7.5 |
b) Take the weight of individual Capsules and check if all the Capsules are lying with in the limits.
c) Select the Capsules only if no more than two Capsules are out of percentage limit and if none Capsule differs by more than 2.5 times the percentage limit, otherwise reject the Capsules.
9.Capsules taken for testing and In-process control should not be added to the bulk batch to avoid mix-ups and cross-contamination.
10.Inspection, sorting and polishing of filled capsules should be done as per SOP.
11.Disintegration of filled capsules should be done using Disintegration Testing Apparatus.
i)Disintegration is the time required for the group of capsules to disintegrate. Disintegration Test should be carried out at regular interval of 1 hour by using Disintegration Test Apparatus.
ii)The tube assembly unit is removed from the glass beaker and from each tube the plastic discs are removed.
iii) Place the capsules in each of 6 tubes along with a plastic disc over the capsules.
iv) The glass beaker is filled with water. The water in the beaker is retained at the temperature of 37+1˚C through out the test by suitably setting the thermostat.
v) Introduce a tube assembly unit into glass beaker in such a way that wire mesh at the base of each tube is atleast 2.5cm below the surface of liquid when the basket is at highest position.
vi) Switch on the apparatus to move the basket assembly containing the capsules up and down through a distance of 5 to 6 cm at a frequency of 28 to 32 cycles per minute. Start the stopwatch.
vii) When the capsules have disintegrated i.e. when no particles remain on the wire mesh at the bottom of tube, stop the stopwatch. Note the time taken for disintegration of the capsules and record the same in Batch Manufacturing Record.
Disintegration Time of filled capsules = Not more than 15 minutes
12.The strips and cartons should be checked thoroughly for proper batch coding.
13.Manufacturing Chemist and Production Pharmacist should randomly check that the correct no. of strips are being packed in each cartons and also the number of cartons in each shipper is exactly the same as that shown in proof.
14. Intimation should be sent to Quality Control Department for finished product sampling and testing.
15. After the completion of labelling and packaging, the coded cartons should be accounted for and rejected printed material should be destroyed in the presence of QC/QA Manager. Fill the destruction sheet and attach the same in the Batch Manufacturing Record.
16.It will be ensure that filling or packaging equipment has been properly cleaned after the completion of batch.
17.Filling or packaging of next product should not commence until the IPQA has given the ‘Line Clearance’.