SOP on Receipt of Raw Materials and Packaging Materials
- To lay down a procedure for receiving the raw materials and packaging materials.
This SOP is applicable for receipt of Raw and Packing material to warehouse of
formulation plant.
Officer or above-warehouse is responsible for receipt of raw materials
and packing materials
Head- warehouse shall be responsible for compliance
and implementation of SOP.
Security personnel shall receive and make entries in ‘Security Register for Incoming
RM/PM’ as per Annexure 01 and shall stamp at the back side of the Invoice / Delivery Chelan
with serial number, date and signature.
The security personnel shall inform the concerned warehouse personnel regarding the
receipt of material.
Warehouse personnel shall verify the following against the purchase order and
delivery Chelan / invoice.
- Name of material
- Quantity of material
- Delivery Location
The material shall be unloaded from the vehicle under supervision of warehouse
personnel to material receipt area
The Warehouse personnel shall perform checking for received material in terms of
physical appearance.
The received materials shall be stored on pallets.
In addition to above the following checks shall be performed
In case, the raw material and packaging material are found shortage after verification,
Intimation shall be generated from the Officer or above-warehouse related to shortage
of received material intimating to Head-Warehouse.
Head-Warehouse shall further forward the same to purchase department after due authorization.
Any discrepancy in terms of improper labeling, documentation,and condition of
material/container shall be intimated to the Head-Warehouse
If there is any abnormality in the consignment of RM/PM (Except printed packaging material,
the same shall be sent back to the manufacturer/supplier, along with ‘Gate Pass Returnable /
Non-Returnable’ detailing the reason for return.
The materials received in open condition shall not be accepted.
In case of printed packaging material, the material shall be destroyed in the presence of the
manufacturer/supplier or prior information shall be forwarded to the manufacturer/supplier in
case of non-availability of the manufacturer/supplier.
A partly damaged or fully damaged consignment during transit shall be received only after
reviewing the extent of damage on material quality and quantity by Quality Control
Department as per “Request to Quality control for Verification of Received Material”.
For damaged consignment, a damage certificate or any appropriate document shall be
obtained from the transporter before receiving the material.
A copy of the document shall be sent to purchase department for settlement of claim,
if applicable, from the insurance or supplier.
Clean and de-dust all the received material
After cleaning, the material shall be shifted to Quarantine area and kept storage after
verifying the required storage conditions as mentioned on the manufacturer label or
as per in-house specification.
Warehouse personnel shall prepare and affix Quarantine label to each container.
Officer or above-Warehouse shall inspect the consignment and prepare the
Goods Received Note (GRN).
A request shall be forwarded to QC department i.e. “Test Request for Raw /
Packaging Materials” as per Annexure 09 notifying the specification reference for
sampling and testing of the received material along with GRN
On receipt of Requisition and GRN from warehouse, QC personal shall check the
GRN and sample the Raw material and Packing material ( SOP on sampling of
Raw material) and ( SOP on sampling procedure of packing material) respectively.
On completion of received material analysis by QC, the Head-QC shall approve the
received material in Test Request for Raw / Packaging Materials
After approval by QC, first copy (White-colored) of a GRN and a Test Request for
Raw/packing material shall be retained with Warehouse, second copy (pink colored)
to QC and third copy forwarded (yellowish-green) to Purchase department
Ware house personal shall initiate MRN.
The warehouse personnel shall enter the details in “Incoming Material Register
for Raw material and Packing material Correspondingly
Subsequently the approved material issuance for manufacturing, reconciliation
and exact stock (final stock) details shall be entered in “Stock Register of Raw Material”
and “Stock Register Packaging Material” for packaging material.
Security register for incoming RM/PM – Annexure Number -1
Gate pass returnable / non-returnable -Annexure Number -2
Request to QC department for verification of received material -Annexure Number -3
Goods Received Note- -Annexure Number -4
Incoming material register (Raw Material)- -Annexure Number -5
Incoming material register (Packaging Materials)- -Annexure Number -6
Stock Register raw material – -Annexure Number -7
Stock Register packaging material- -Annexure Number -8
Test request raw / packaging materials -Annexure Number -9
Checklist of raw / packaging materials – -Annexure Number -10
Material receipt & inspection note – -Annexure Number -11
SOP on SOPs.
Reason for Revision
To enhance the adequacy of SOP and better clarity
Abbreviations and Definitions
RM: Raw Material
PM: Packaging Material
GRN: Goods Receipt Note
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
MRN: Material Received note
R.No: Analytical Report Number
PO: Purchase Order
INR: Indian Rupees
DTC: Duplicate Transporters copy
LOD : Loss on Drying
R.No : Lorry Number
No : Invoice Number
UOM : Units of Mode
Annexure Number -1
Security Register for Incoming RM / PM
S.No. | Date | Name of person | Party Name
| Vehicle No. / L.R. No. | Invoice No. / Chelan No. | security S. No. for material | Name of Material | Qty. ( In UOM) | Type of Material | In Time |
Annexure Number -2
(Gate Pass Returnable/Non-Returnable)
Our C.S.T. No.: | Sr. No. |
Our LST: | Date |
Consignee: _______Party’s C.S.T. No.:______Through: ______
Sr.No. | Material Description | Unit | Quantity | Approx. Value |
Purpose: ______________Tentative date of return: _____________
Prepared by Checked by Authorized by Received by
Annexure Number -3
Request to Quality Control for Verification of Received Material
QC Department
From: RM – Ware House
Please verify the quality of received material with respect to physical appearance and
integrity of as mentioned below.
Name of material | |
Manufacturer’s name & address | |
Supplier’s name & address | |
Batch size (UOM) and no. of containers | |
inference containers (If any) |
Observations of Quality Control:
Observations of Quality Assurance:
Inference material Ok/ Not Ok or partly accepted for receipt.
Prepared by Warehouse | Checked by QC | Approved by QA |
Annexure Number -4
Goods Received Note for Raw / Packing Material
GRN No. _____Date ________PO No._______Invoice /Challan No. & Date___________
Name & address of supplier: _______Name of the manufacturer:________
Check the following:-
- a) Tally the No. of container received against qty. as per Challan/Invoice. Yes / No
- b) The container label particularly with Challan/Invoice
- c) Note the material breakup and No. of containers received as per challan/Invoice:
S.No. | Name of Material | Item Code | Batch no | Mfg. Date | Exp. Date | No. of Containers | Qty. (UOM) |
- d) Is any container damaged/short? Yes No
- e) If yes
S.No. | Name of Material | Batch No. | Damaged / Shortage Qty.(UOM) | No. of Good containers | No. of Rejected containers | Remarks |
Extent of damage:
Is damage to the outer covering only? Yes /No
Has the material been contaminated with dust, fibers, and pieces of packaging material? Yes / No
Name & signature of the person who carried out the inspection__________
Signature of warehouse in-charge_________
Note: This report should be presented to the quality control personnel when he visits the warehouse for sampling of items received vide this delivery challan/invoice in the report.
Signature of Q.C. personnel carrying out sampling_________Date & Time
Annexure Number -5
Incoming Register for Raw Material
GRN No/ Date | MRN No/ Date | Name of Material | PO No. | Mfg. Name | Name of supplier | Invoice No.& Date | Batch No. | Mfg. Date | Exp Date | A.R. No. | Ledger No. | Sam pling Date | Q.C. Status |
Annexure Number -6
Incoming Register for packing Material
S.No | GRN No/ Date | MRN No/ Date | Name of Material | code | PO No. | Mfg. Name | Name of Supplier | Invoice No. & Date | Qty. (UOM) | Pack Size | A.R. No. | Q.C. Sample Date | Q.C. Status | Ledger No. |
Annexure Number -7
Stock Register for Raw Material
Name of Material_________________ Item Code_______________
Mfg. Name | Name of supplier | Invoice / Challan No. | Batch No. | No. of Units
| Mfg. Date | Exp. Date | A.R. No. | Retest Date | Name of Product | Batch No. | A.R No | Qty. Issued | Balance Qty of A.R No | Closing balance |
Annexure Number -8
Stock Register for Packaging Material
Name of Material_________________ Item Code_______________
S. No | Date | Mfg. Name | Name of supplier | Invoice / Challan No. | Price (INR) | Qty. (UOM) | No of units | A.R. No | Date | Product Name | Batch No. | Qty. Issued | Balance Qty of A.R. No | Closing Balance |
Annexure Number -9
G.R.N. No._______________ | G.R.N. Date______________ | Item code_____________ | |
Material____________________________________________ | Qty. Received__________ | ||
Supplied by_________________________________________ | No. of container_________ | ||
Manufactured by_____________________________________ | Invoice No._____________ | ||
Batch No.________________ | Packaging status__________ | Invoice Date____________ | |
Mfg. Date________________ | Exp. / Best before / Revaluation date___________________ | ||
Analysis required as per specification no: Signature (Warehouse) | |||
No. of cont. sampled_____________________ | Sample Qty.___________________________ | ||
Sampled by_________________________ | Sampled on___________________________ | ||
Sampler’s remarks_____________________________________________________________ Signature (Q.C.) | |||
A.R. No._____________ | Date________________ | Potency / Assay___________ | |
L.O.D / Moisture_____________________ | Approved / Rejected_____________________ | ||
as per Specification No:____________________________ | |||
Analyst Remarks_______________________________________________________________ | |||
Retesting due on________________________ | |||
QC Analyst Head-QC |
Annexure Number -10
Checklist of raw & packing materials
- Material Name : ______________________________________Code:_____________
- Type of Packing: _______________________________________Total Qty :__________
- Check the following details
S.No | Batch No | Mfg. Date | Exp Date | No of units | Qty.(UOM) | Remarks |
- C. No. / Inv. No. : ______________________Date:__________________
- Supplier’s Name : ______________________________________________
- Manufacturer’s Name : ______________________________________________
- Transporter’s/Courier’s Name : ______________________________________________
- R. / Docket No. : _______________________Date: __________________
- GRN No. : _______________________Date:__________________
- Check whether following conditions Complies or Not comply:
S.No | Particulars | Yes | No |
1. | Certificate of Analysis by manufacturers has been Attached | ||
2. | Duplicate For Transporters Copy Attached | ||
3. | No any other material found in the vehicle | ||
4. | There is no any Contamination in the Vehicle | ||
5. | Vehicle is properly Covered |
Specify (Damage, Wet condition, Leakage, exposure of material to environment, status of
labeling and Shortage if any): ……….……(Checked by Warehouse / Date)
Annexure Number -11
Material Receipt & Inspection Note
Name of Supplier: | P.O.No: | Bill No: | GR No: | |||||||
Date: | Date: | Date: | ||||||||
Transporter: M/s Vehicle No. | ||||||||||
S.No | Description | Quantity Received | Quantity. as per Challan/ Bill | Price (INR) | Total Amount (INR) | Q.A. Remarks | ||||
Accepted | Rejected | Total | ||||||||
Prepared by Inspected & Approved by Authorized by( Plant Head)