Checklist for sample preparation by U.V. analysis
Checklist for Do’s for U.V. analysis
- Cells used for the analysis should be identical and transparent.
- The solution whose U.V. reading is to be taken should be clear and transparent, it should not contain any foreign particles or fibres.
- For analysis solvents used should be spectroscopic grade.
- Where the solution is to be filtered it should be filtered twice and that solution should be discarded, after which the filtered solution should be used for U.V. reading.
- In the case of volatile solvents, cuvettes should be covered with a lid while taking the reading.
- Shake the solutions before taking UV reading & should free them from air bubbles.
- While taking reading the lid of the sample holder chamber should be closed properly.
- For colour development sample UV reading should take immediately.
- Reagents used for colour development should be prepared freshly and should be free from foreign particles.
Checklist for Don’ts for U.V. analysis
- Don’t use unidentical cells for analysis
- Don’t use a solution for UV reading that has any foreign material/particles
- Don’t use AR grade or HPLC grade reagents for analysis.
- Don’t use the solution as such in cases Where the solution is to be filtered.
- Don’t use cuvettes without lids in case of volatile solvents are used for analysis.
- Don’t shake the solution at the time of taking the reading because air bubbles would form and would give a wrong reading.
- Don’t open the lid of the sample holder chamber during reading
- Don’t take readings if keep colour development samples are kept for a longer time.
- Don’t use previously prepared reagent solution for Colour development analysis.