Dispatch of Finished Goods

Dispatch of Finished Goods         


To lay down a procedure for dispatch of Finished Goods from Finished Goods Store.


This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for dispatch of Finished Goods from FG Store in the formulation plant


  • Finished Goods Store personnel shall be responsible to follow and implementation of the procedure mentioned in this SOP.


  • Finished Goods Store Incharge & QA Head shall be accountable for the implementation of this SOP.

Abbreviations and Definitions

  • SOP                             :            Standard Operating Procedure; a document where step by step instructions are cited to serve as support for methods or manners of fulfilling a function or functions reliably and consistently.
  • QA                              :            Quality Assurance
  • QC                              :            Quality Control
  •  Sr. no.                         :            Serial Number
  •  Deptt.                          :            Department


Finished Goods

  • Arrange the pallets in the warehouse in an orderly manner.
  • Place the finished goods, product wise on the pallets in the Finished Goods store.
  • Arrange the one product on one pallet.
  • Place the products batch wise.
  • After QC and QA release of batch as per procedure defined in SOP “Release of Finished Products”, batch shall be dispatched as given below.
  • Batch should be dispatched on First in First out basis.
  • Fill the following columns of invoice of the products which are being dispatched as per consignee’s order including:
  •  Sr no.
  • Description of Goods / Name of the medicine
  • Name & Address of consignee on the invoice
  • Batch no.
  • Expiry date
  • Packing
  • of Corrugated boxes
  • Quantity in each corrugated box
  • Total quantity
  • Rate per unit
  • Deduction under section 4
  • Assessible value per unit
  • Total assessible value
  • Each invoice has four copies :
  • Original for buyer
  • Duplicate for transporter
  • Triplicate for our accounts deptt.
  • Fourth (extra) copy for factory record
  • Collect the material to be dispatched outside the warehouse and carefully check the batch no. of the products to be dispatched from the invoice to avoid the dispatch of wrong batches to the consignee and then load the products in the vehicle.
  • Maintain the dispatch record on computer.
  • Check the computer record and invoice for tracing the distribution record in future.

Forms and Records (Annexures)

  • Not Applicable


  • Master copy         –          Quality Assurance
  • Controlled copies –            Quality Assurance,  Finished Goods Store


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