SOP on handling of rinse and swab sample

SOP on handling of rinse and swab sample


  • To lay down the procedure for handling of rinse and swab sample.


  • This procedure is applicable for handling of rinse and swab sample in QC Department


  • Chemist or above of QC department
  • Executive / nominee of QC department


  • Head – Quality Control department


swab sample

  • In-process Quality Assurance personnel shall collect the sample of rinse or swab sample and handover the sample to QC department along with sample intimation slip as per annexure No. A03 filled with all details.
  • Quality Control chemist or above shall record information of rinse and swab sample in rinse and swab sample inward register as per Annexure No. A01
  • AR No. of rinse and swab sample shall be generated as per SOP .
  • Quality Control Executive / Nominee shall allocate the sample to chemist for analysis.
  • Quality Control Chemist shall perform the analysis as per standard test procedure of respective product, and record the raw data in continuation sheet.
  • After completion of analysis, Executive / Nominee shall review the results and shall send to Head QC for final approval.
  • After approval from QC Head one signed copy of rinse and swab intimation slip shall be send to IPQA section.
  • If results are found out of specification, then (SOP on handling investigation and reporting of out of specification results) shall be followed for necessary action.

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List of Annexure / Formats:



Format TitleAnnexure


1Rinse and swab Sample Inward RegisterA01

References (if any).

Reason for Revision.

  • Not Applicable due to new SOP.


  •  SOP  :  Standard Operating Procedure
  • QC   :  Quality Control
  • SG  :  Sub – General
  • SP  :  Specific
  • QA  :  Quality Assurance
  •  IPQA   : In-process Quality Assurance
  • AR.No. : Analytical Reference Number

Annexure 1

Rinse and swab Sample Inward Register




Type of sample

(Rinse / swab)

Name of


Name of

previous product

Previous product

batch No.


to be used for

Sampled By



Date of analysis

Analysed By




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