SOP on handling of alarm system of Stability Chambers

SOP on handling of alarm system of Stability Chambers


  • To lay down a procedure for alarm system of stability chambers.


  • This SOP is applicable to handling of alarm system of stability chambers


  • Chemist or above of QC Laboratory
  • Electrician or above of Engineering department
  • Security supervisor or above


  • Head – Quality Control
  • Head – Engineering
  • Head – P&A department
  • Head – Quality Assurance


  • Control panel and local piezo sounder of alarm system of stability chambers is positioned at security room.

Stability Chambers

Control and indicators :

  • The alarm control panel uses an 80-character ( 4Lines X 20 Characters ) high viewing angle LCD display. The Display includes a long life LED backlight that remains illuminated. If AC power is lost and the system is not in alarm, the LED backlight will turn off to conserve batteries.
  • LED indicators are provided to annunciate the following conditions:

 AC Power (green)

 Alarm (red)

 Supervisory (yellow)

 Trouble (yellow)

 Alarm Silenced signals (yellow)

 Key Panel

Mounted on the main circuit board, the key panel includes a window for the  LCD  display and LED indicators as listed above. The Key panel, which is visible with the cabinet door closed, has 25 keys, including a 16 key alpha- numeric pad similar to a telephone keypad.

 Function Keys:

 Acknowledge/Step                                         Alarm Silenced

 Drill(Manual evacuate)                                   Reset (Lamp test)

 Keys labeled 1 to 9                                        Key

 # Key                                                              0 (recall) Key

 1st  Event Key                                                Clear Key

 Escape Key                                                    Mode Key

 Four Cursor Keys(Up, down, left and right)    Enter Key

Membrane / display panel

Local Piezo Sounder

  • A piezo sounder provides separate and distinct pulse rates for alarm, trouble and supervisory conditions.

Operation procedure :

  • Alarm system shall be checked at least once in a day by engineering person and record of the same shall be maintained as per Annexure No. A02 .
  • Responsible person from engineering department shall ensure that alarm system is tested correctly and maintained in line with stability chambers.
  • Any failure in temperature, humidity or power supply generate an alarm on the security  gate as well as on the stability chamber. LCD display and LED indicators becomes red.
  • Security person shall silence the alarm with the help of silence key . LCD display and LED indicators becomes yellow.
  • Security person shall read the message (reason of alarm) after pressing the Acknowledge key.
  • After this security person shall intimate to stability In-charge.
  • Stability In-charge shall rectify the problem and coordinate with security person for the reset of alarm.
  • Security person shall reset the alarm with the help of Reset Key.
  • After this security person shall ensure that there will be no message on the display and LED indicators shall be green.
  • Stability In-charge also reset the stability chamber with the help of safety controller.
  • At the off duty time and holiday security person shall intimate about alarm to engineering person and stability In-charge. Engineering person shall rectify the problem after co-ordination with stability In-charge.
  • Record of every alarm shall be maintained as per Annexure No. A01

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 List of Annexure / Formats:

S. No. Format Title Annexure Number
1  Log book for alarm (stability chambers) A01
2 Log book for daily monitoring of

alarm system (stability chambers)


References (if any).

  • Alarm system manual, Stability chamber manual.

Reason for Revision

  • Not applicable due to first version of SOP.


  • SOP     :    Standard operating procedure
  • QC       :     Quality Control
  • P&A     :     Personnel and administration
  • LCD     :     Liquid crystal display
  • LED     :     Liquid emission display
  • AC       :     Alternating current
  • 1st        :     First
Log book for alarm (stability chambers)


Alarm date and time Stability chamber Id. No. Type of problem/Error Mitigation Done by Checked by


Log book for daily monitoring of alarm system (stability chambers)
S. No. Date System checked at (time) System

checked by

Status Remarks

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