Entry & Exit procedure in secondary change room

Entry & Exit procedure in secondary change room


  • To lay down a procedure for the entry and exit in the second change room


  • This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to all the parma industries employees and visitors entering into the manufacturing area.


  • All personnel working in Torque Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. shall be responsible for following this SOP for the entry and exit in the second change room.


  • Department Heads & QA Head shall be accountable for the implementation of this SOP.

Abbreviations and Definitions

  • SOP:  Standard Operating Procedure; a document where step-by-step instructions are cited to serve as support for methods or manners of fulfilling a function or functions reliably and consistently.
  • QA: Quality Assurance.
  • COB: Cross over Bench.


Entry procedure for the secondary change room

  • Open the door of the second change room.
  • Enter the change room and close the door of the second change room.
  • Collect your secondary garments from the cabinet
  • Sit the cross over the bench and cross the Cross over Bench (COB).
  • Wear the headgear.
  • After then wear the secondary gown.
  • Stand in front of the mirror and ensure the completeness of the secondary gowning.
  • Disinfect your hand.
  • Open the door and enter the respective area.

Exit procedure from secondary change room

  • Open the door of the second change room.
  • Enter into the secondary change room.
  • Remove secondary garments.
  • Remove headgear.
  • After then sit on the cross-over bench and remove booties.
  • Cross the COB.
  • Drop the used secondary garments in the used garments bin.
  • Exit from the secondary change room.change room

Note:   All visitors shall follow the same procedure using disposal garments.

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Forms and Records (Annexures)

Not applicable


  • Master copy –     Quality Assurance
  • Controlled copies –     Quality Assurance, Production, Quality Control, Engineering, HR &    Warehouse


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